Verpa Men ED Online Treatments Thu, 12 Jan 2023 11:38:05 +0000 en hourly 1 Verpa Men 32 32 210939244 Can masturbation cause Erectile Dysfunction? Is there a link? Sun, 11 Dec 2022 18:48:06 +0000 When we talk about the relationship between masturbation and Erectile Dysfunction, it is common to see how affirmations or denials about its causes and effects quickly appear, and as in all urban legends, myths or superstitions, pseudo arguments become the order of the day. Attending to this kind of stories only makes us stray from […]

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When we talk about the relationship between masturbation and Erectile Dysfunction, it is common to see how affirmations or denials about its causes and effects quickly appear, and as in all urban legends, myths or superstitions, pseudo arguments become the order of the day. Attending to this kind of stories only makes us stray from the scientific path, which offers more and better answers in this regard. But then, can masturbation cause Erectile Dysfunction? The answer is short, and it is a resounding NO!


But while other blogs try to give the long answer, trying to demystify some popular postulates, such as that masturbating will make us grow hair on the palm of our hand, or that it will make us blind, at VERPA we abstract from urban legends, and focus on the scientific facts.


There is no serious scientific study that has established a direct relationship between masturbation and Erectile Dysfunction, and as with pornography, there is, instead, a considerable amount of good arguments that explain why even masturbation could reach to be a great help in combating ED.


Let’s see, assuming that to date, we do not have scientific evidence of a direct relationship between masturbating and suffering from impotence, the only thing that would apparently remain for us would be to pay attention to the legends and myths that little by little are implanted in our minds. and they become absolute beliefs. But this is not so, in reality there remains an alternative study, which although little treated by conventional medicine, is highly worked by sexologists, psychologists and psychiatrists, and it is something that few imagine.

Masturbation as a preventive and curative treatment for Erectile Dysfunction.

Since the beginning of the 16th century, Gabriele Falloppio, an Italian anatomist and doctor, recommended that men rub their genitals hard, quickly and constantly, to increase their potency, a visionary who suffered the repudiation of the Church, like a witch from a coven .

In the modern age, it has been shown that masturbation can have more health benefits than harm…

But what are those benefits?

Analgesic effect: The University of Münster -Germany, affirms that orgasm relieves pain and reduces migraine episodes by 60%, and in intense cases of migraines (pain on the middle side of the head), this improvement was almost 40%, which they related to the release of endorphins on analgesic receptors in the brain.

Anti-endometriosis effect: A study published in “Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation” states that endometriosis can be combated and its symptoms eradicated, thanks to hormonal mobilization, the dilation of blood vessels, and the movements that occur during an orgasm.

Anti-carcinoma effect: Research from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, published in the scientific journal “European Urology”, says that it is better to masturbate than not. The study showed that frequent masturbation (at least 21 times a month) minimizes the risk of prostate cancer by 20%.

Immune effect: A study published in “Sexual and Relationship Therapy” suggests that men who masturbate have a better functioning of the immune system. The ducts through which the semen circulates are characterized by preventing infections from entering from the outside and it was found that those who have more orgasms increase the levels of the antibody, immunoglobulin A.

Anti-aging effect: Another German study, from the University of Rostock, showed that masturbation in people over 70 and of both sexes improved cognitive functions and their ability to react to specific stimuli.

Anti-insomnia effect: In “Frontiers in Public Health”, there is a publication that states that orgasms obtained through masturbation are associated with the perception of better sleep quality and longer duration.

“A systematic review carried out in 2016 and published in “Frontiers in Physiology” showed that masturbation or any other type of sexual activity does NOT reduce the performance of athletes, so it is inferred that prohibiting these practices on competition days It has no scientific support”.

In conclusion, masturbation is a beneficial practice that should be seen as normal, free of prejudices and moral or cultural condemnations. In fact, a study published in the “Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine” recommends not prohibiting or condemning excessive masturbation, as it could trigger emotional disturbances, such as That syndrome, or masturbatory guilt, a psychological problem that consists of believe that some symptoms such as asthenia, weakness or Erectile Dysfunction, are caused by a loss of semen through the urine.

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Porn-induced erectile dysfunction: How is it possible? Sat, 10 Dec 2022 00:13:37 +0000 Getting a hard, long-lasting erection can be one of the biggest and most common sexual challenges facing men around the world. Some factors of a cultural nature, such as morality or religion, can make the perspective towards pornography very radical, and lead to the argument that Erectile Dysfunction is induced by pornography, making it the […]

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Getting a hard, long-lasting erection can be one of the biggest and most common sexual challenges facing men around the world. Some factors of a cultural nature, such as morality or religion, can make the perspective towards pornography very radical, and lead to the argument that Erectile Dysfunction is induced by pornography, making it the main cause of male impotence. in all territories, and at any age.

The debate is hot and very close due to the arguments for and against. In the scientific spectrum, different studies favor both positions, and for this reason, we will try to expose in this blog, the connections between Pornography and Erectile Dysfunction.

How is it possible?

An entirely subjective view could easily lead us to establish a relationship between watching porn and having complications in obtaining an erection. Without much analysis, ordinary people, both men, and women will simply say that the relationship does or does not exist, and they will defend their position according to their own beliefs. But we go a little further and let us support the argument based on analysis by the scientific method.


An investigation carried out by the Defense Group against Pornography, “Fight the New Drug”, concluded that there is a close connection between consuming pornography and suffering from Erectile Dysfunction problems. The study suggests that the continuous consumption of pornographic material, especially that classified as “hardcore”, can desensitize the sexual response, and support such a sustained, with the fact that day by day, the number of young people asking for assistance increases against ED, and it is precisely this group of individuals who, according to statistics, consume the most porn.


Some defenders of pornography in general, raise formal defects in the study, due to a possible bias on the part of the Defense Group against Pornography, since this group classifies it as “immoral”, and according to them, immorality can be treated from the sociocultural point of view, but not scientific.


Based on case studies and a review of previous research, the study argues that pornography leads men to mistakenly idealize everything related to the sexual act, making them believe that the actors, the contexts, or the dramatized situations can be a reference. of what should be your partner and your sexual encounters in real life.


It is suggested that visual and auditory overstimulation can lead to a progressive decrease in the satisfaction of men with their real partners, causing anxiety during intercourse. Thus, porn consumers may need to progressively increase sexual stimulation to feel and stay aroused.


This analysis suggests that continued porn use might change the way the brain reacts to arousal, making it less likely that a man would be aroused by different kinds of emotions. The use of sex toys desensitizes the nerves of the penis, another element that makes it difficult to achieve the desired erection.


Now, a study carried out in 2016 and published by author Gary Bruce Wilson, says that “pornography addiction is a public health problem that leads to negative effects such as depression and Erectile Dysfunction”. Wilson’s campaign against pornography raises issues of bias. Other studies that find links between pornography and ED find only a weak connection.


This suggests that even when pornography is a possible causative factor for ED, it is unlikely to be a determining factor.


“A 2015 Trusted Source analysis of two large cross-sectional studies also point to a link between porn use and ED. The study in that link, however, was very modest. Only one of the two studies found a link, and that link was also weak.”


Also, only men who engaged in “moderate” use of Internet porn reported more ED than those who engaged in “high” or “low” use, making the process of determining actual influence even more confusing.


But it is also possible that…


Some other studies suggest that pornography is actually a great help to combat Erectile Dysfunction problems, especially when it is due to psychological or relationship problems.


“A 2015 study from Trusted Source found that men who reported spending more time viewing pornography had greater sexual sensitivity towards a partner in a laboratory setting. This suggests that pornography could help prepare the brain or body for sex, potentially enhancing sexual relationships with a partner”.


Still, the research supporting the positive effects of pornography is simplistic and preliminary, just as the research condemning it has been so far.


For now, pornography is used with great success, in some treatments to combat Erectile Dysfunction, so the debate continues on the table, waiting for more scientific arguments that tip the balance towards one of the two sides.

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Is erectile Dysfunction Psychological? Fri, 09 Dec 2022 23:59:08 +0000 Many men suffer from their inability to obtain and maintain firm and long-lasting erections, which allow them to successfully reach the culmination of the sexual act. Erectile Dysfunction is so common that it affects more than 30 million men, in the United States alone, sometimes for physical reasons, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity, […]

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Many men suffer from their inability to obtain and maintain firm and long-lasting erections, which allow them to successfully reach the culmination of the sexual act. Erectile Dysfunction is so common that it affects more than 30 million men, in the United States alone, sometimes for physical reasons, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity, also for modeling unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and drinking alcohol and others. Sometimes due to issues that attack the subconscious, that is why it has been concluded that Erectile Dysfunction is also psychological.

Clinical psychology has developed innumerable research and analysis methods, and although it is not easy to demonstrate, it has been possible to conclude that some dysphoria or disorders are eventual causes of Erectile Dysfunction. Those disorders are:

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction.



Science has proven, without a doubt, that the human being somatizes his psychological problems, that is, that they physically manifest, through illnesses, everything that attacks his mind. The same thing happens with anxiety, people usually know that they have it, but ignore it, a very common mistake when it comes to saving their physical health. Anxiety can cause an excessive increase in heart rate, blood pressure problems and fatigue, which in turn negatively affects sexual performance. Anxiety is the most common psychological cause of Erectile Dysfunction.




Stressful situations are perhaps something that no one can escape. We all at some point face a situation that affects us, depending on the attitude with which we face it, this situation could be more or less harmful, but even at the most minimal levels, a stressful situation can affect obtaining or maintaining a erection




The debate on whether depression is a psychological or physical factor is still ongoing, as this is understood as a chemical imbalance in the brain, caused by a negative evolution of the patient’s mood. Thus, it would be a dual factor, which jumps between the psychological and the physical. Depression can affect both function and sexual desire, which makes it a necessary attention factor, if apart from performance, it also affects intention. That, added to the fact that according to the National Institute of Mental Health, men avoid talking about their psychological problems and therefore evade the responsibility of recognizing their symptoms. The good news is that with VERPA, most men will feel virile again, regain a healthy sexual interest, and resolve their Erectile Dysfunction problem.


Couple life:


The lack of emotional intelligence, that is, the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, to motivate ourselves and to manage relationships properly, can affect their intercourse. Arguments, miscommunication, and anger contrast with desire, and ultimately, with sexual function. Resolving such issues with your partner can help alleviate the symptoms of ED.


If you are having difficulties resolving problems in your relationship, seek out a professional counselor or therapist who can help, this will be a great complement to your physical treatment for Erectile Dysfunction.




Fear is defined as a feeling of anguish caused by the presence of a real or imaginary danger, which can lead us to believe that an event contrary to what is actually desired will occur. If this is your first time experiencing ED, you may worry that you will never regain normal sexual function. This leads to a drop in self-esteem and therefore to a decrease in the belief of being capable of achieving successful sexual relations. Break the cycle, that it has happened to you once, it is not law to believe that it will always be like this.


Are there treatments for the psychological causes of Erectile Dysfunction?


Usually, when we suffer from a disease or disorder, we seek help to treat ourselves with pharmacotherapy or drug therapy, that is, a treatment based on chemical drugs. But in cases of psychological symptoms, and unless the specialist recommends it, due to a chemical imbalance, it is best to go to a specialist in psychology or psychiatry depending on the degree of difficulty of the problem.


All of the psychological problems mentioned above require therapy, patience, and time. Your doctor and your psychologist or psychiatrist can work with you to find the best course of treatment for you. Make your mental health a priority, as unresolved issues can have a tremendous effect on your sexual function.


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HOW TO INCREASE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS NATURALLY? Fri, 09 Dec 2022 22:42:30 +0000 If you want to increase Male virility, or man’s sexual potency, you need to know that it’s closely related to “Testosterone”. This hormone is produced in greater quantity by the testicles and at “normal” levels until 35 or 40 years of age, then the production decreases and its decrease can be constant and progressive if […]



If you want to increase Male virility, or man’s sexual potency, you need to know that it’s closely related to “Testosterone”. This hormone is produced in greater quantity by the testicles and at “normal” levels until 35 or 40 years of age, then the production decreases and its decrease can be constant and progressive if it is not treated in time. But don’t worry, all is not lost, there are some natural methods that can help you combat the deficiency in the segregation of said hormone, and consequently, the different dysfunctions that arise as a result of it.


Situations of depression, poor concentration, memory failures, decreased bone density, drops in red blood cell levels, and even the simple sensation of bodily well-being, are just some of the phenomena that we face when having deficiencies in the production of testosterone. Problems to obtain or maintain a firm and prolonged erection, sexual desire or appetite, are also the responsibility of this hormone, and make male sexuality become a problem, rather than a pleasant situation.


If you knew the statistical data on the different forms and ages in which Erectile Dysfunction manifests itself, you would not wait until you were 35 years old to start taking care of your testosterone levels, instead, you would pay close attention to this blog, and you would continue at the bottom of the page. Letter our recommendations.

Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction, what is their relationship?

According to a study by the Endocrine Society, men who are overweight are drastically more likely to have low testosterone levels. So if your interest is to pursue greater manhood, you should give up the foods that help you gain weight and also get plenty of exercise.

SUGAR: We all love it, but we couldn’t talk about another “food” as harmful as sugar, in almost every way. When you consume sugar, the testosterone levels in your body drop considerably. Reduce it or better, DELETE IT!

ALCOHOL: Alcohol causes damage to different body systems, at a vascular level it increases blood lipids and facilitates the process of atherosclerosis. It produces a decrease in the secretion of thyroid hormones and testosterone, responsible for maintaining libido.

TOBACCO: Smoking can damage testosterone-producing cells within our bodies. This interferes with the production of the hormone and lowers your levels much more than the average non-smoker.

FOOD: An adequate diet can influence testosterone production, sperm quality, fertility and even the quality of your muscle mass. After eliminating sugar, increase the consumption of meat, fish, beans, milk derivatives, eggs, garlic, avocado, nuts, broccoli, blueberries, and oysters.

EXERCISE: High-intensity anaerobic exercise increases testosterone levels and prevents their deterioration. There are some tricks that can help you raise this hormone. Slow training with a high degree of weight and few repetitions. Deadlift and squats and finally, for those who suffer from urine loss, work the upper body more.

SUPPLEMENTS: Some ZINC-based supplements and food supplements can be very beneficial to stimulate testosterone production.

VITAMINS: Regarding vitamin D, a recent study by Austrian researchers discovered that this vitamin plays a key role in regulating man’s androgenic metabolism. Thus, men with higher vitamin D produce more testosterone in the blood than men with this vitamin deficiency.

STRESS: When a man is stressed, his body releases high levels of the hormone cortisol, an element that blocks the effects of testosterone. Emotional intelligence, meditation, yoga, a good mood, sleeping and resting well, a positive view of his life, among others, are some techniques to improve testosterone production.

STIMULATION: A report published by Zhejiang University in 2003 shows that after a week without masturbating, testosterone levels in men rise by 40 or 45%. But the report also says that after the first week, testosterone values ​​drop back to normal levels. Therefore, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that masturbation lowers testosterone levels in men.

After following these recommendations, you will have been able to increase your testosterone levels in a natural and effective way, but never forget that if that is not enough, you can always count on VERPA!


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Heart Disease and Erectile Dysfunction Fri, 02 Dec 2022 22:12:35 +0000 Erectile Dysfunction is usually an early warning sign of some underlying cardiovascular disease, such as atherosclerosis, better known as clogged artery disease. This warning can appear well in advance of a medical diagnosis, in fact, it has been established that some cases of ED have appeared some years before heart disease, in the same patients. […]

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Erectile Dysfunction is usually an early warning sign of some underlying cardiovascular disease, such as atherosclerosis, better known as clogged artery disease. This warning can appear well in advance of a medical diagnosis, in fact, it has been established that some cases of ED have appeared some years before heart disease, in the same patients.

Not paying attention to the different manifestations of ED can make it too late when you want to address your heart health problems, and in the vast majority of cases, starting to model a new and improved lifestyle can help to your heart, but it also does not guarantee that ED will go away or be effectively reversed.

Despite the above, not even consumers of traditional ED medications know that none of these drugs to combat Erectile Dysfunction should be combined with heart medications or nitrates since this mix can cause our blood pressure to plummet arterial. Even the so-called “Alpha Blockers”, which are medications that many men take for urinary symptoms, can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, and for this reason, we must be careful NOT to take them, at least 4 hours before or 4 hours after. taking a drug for ED.

Above, if we want to see Erectile Dysfunction as an announcement of possible heart disease, but it turns out that this can also be a symptom of a pre-existing disease, then…

What heart diseases cause erectile dysfunction?

In the past, it was believed that the buildup of plaque in the arteries of the body was the main reason why Erectile Dysfunction used to precede heart problems. The postulates said that this accumulation of plaques reduced the blood flow that traveled to the penis, which would make it difficult or impossible to have strong and prolonged erections.


However, thanks to medical advances, experts now know that Erectile Dysfunction that precedes heart problems is more often due to endothelial and smooth muscle dysfunction. It is this failure of the inner lining of the blood vessels, clinically known as endothelial dysfunction, that causes the insufficient blood supply to the heart, and therefore poor blood flow to the penis.


Through the performance of different clinical trials, it has been possible to demonstrate a direct correlation between cardiovascular risk factors and ED, these factors are diabetes mellitus, obesity, smoking, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.


So, if you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction and have been diagnosed with any of these heart diseases, you should take action on the matter, and visit your specialist doctor to start treating each symptom. That is why at VERPA we have 100% online personalized attention, which you can use to find out your current condition and thus find the best way to use VERPA.


We invite you to save this blog and visit the Home of our website where you will find a direct link to the online consultation you need. If you want answers to questions that are not medical, you can write to our social networks on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn:


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DRUGS FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Fri, 02 Dec 2022 21:56:18 +0000 In the last decade, pharmaceutical advances have been the order of the day, from time to time drugs, treatments, and even preventive medicines appear for the different conditions that our health suffers. For Erectile Dysfunction, it is no different, there are already several well-known options such as Viagra, Stendra, Cialis, and Levitra. It is “supposed” […]

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In the last decade, pharmaceutical advances have been the order of the day, from time to time drugs, treatments, and even preventive medicines appear for the different conditions that our health suffers. For Erectile Dysfunction, it is no different, there are already several well-known options such as Viagra, Stendra, Cialis, and Levitra. It is “supposed” that due to its different components, the blood supply to the penis is improved, which, together with sexual stimulation, would mean an erection capable of being maintained until the sexual act is complete. But there is information of a high degree of interest, that these brands try not to mention, and it is related to the side effects, and that when weighing benefits against harm, the latest take center stage.

The pills, well known for their diamond shape and blue color, are relatively easy to consume, you must swallow them with a little water and that’s it. The complicated thing comes immediately after since you must wait between 30 minutes and 1 hour for them to begin to act within your body. Depending on the physical conditions of the person who consumes them, it could be said that some should consume them up to 4 hours before the sexual act, something uncomfortable if we take into account that in such long periods, many things can happen, whether intercourse scheduled to be canceled or in the worst case scenario, to be brought forward without the pill has taken effect.

With these pills, many times what comes first is the headache, cardiac arrhythmia, or nasal congestion, even before the erection itself, and well, we already know how uncomfortable it can be to force a sexual act in the middle of this kind of difficulty.


But how does VERPA work?

VERPA is a new system that has been revolutionizing the world of medications and treatments for Erectile Dysfunction. You no longer have to keep the obvious blue pill in your drawer, nor do you have to endure endless waiting periods to try to initiate intercourse. VERPA works like insulin administration systems, through an applicator pencil, with a tiny needle the thickness of a hair and with almost immediate effectiveness, less than 5 minutes after administration. This pen is so discreet and functional that you can carry it in your shirt pocket like any other pen, you can take it with you at all times and everywhere, no one will know what it is, and its application will never take more than 30 seconds.

The good thing about VERPA is not only that after its application you have an almost immediate erection, but the really good thing is also that from that moment on, you will be able to have erections on demand for the next 5 hours, without having to worry about headaches, arrhythmias, respiratory difficulties and other contraindications that characterize the pills.

Now, if we make a comparison between the average effectiveness of the pills and the average effectiveness of VERPA, we find that the former is around 70% effective among the men who consume them, a percentage that is far from the average effectiveness of VERPA that exceeds 95% of men who receive 1 single dose.

Thus, weighing the benefits and harms of each of these medications, we see that the effectiveness, durability, discretion, and absence of harmful side effects of VERPA put our brand one step ahead of pills, which although well known for their massive use, are also known for their notable risks…

Do you know any method as effective and healthy as VERPA? Tell us here!

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How do Erectile Dysfunction pills work and how does VERPA work? Tue, 31 Aug 2021 17:10:55 +0000 There are several medications and treatments to combat erectile dysfunction in men of different ages and with very specific clinical conditions. Usually, the decision to use one or the other depends on the price that the patient must pay, and the side effects that they must face… But what are the differences between the drugs […]

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There are several medications and treatments to combat erectile dysfunction in men of different ages and with very specific clinical conditions. Usually, the decision to use one or the other depends on the price that the patient must pay, and the side effects that they must face…

But what are the differences between the drugs for erectile dysfunction?

The truth is that there are many, the market is flooded with options that claim to treat erection problems in men over 40 years of age in the best way. The problem is that all these medications bring a series of side effects that negatively affect our physical health and subsequently, our mental health. Everything is related and therefore, every detail is important.

Factors such as sale price, effectiveness, durability, and the number of negative side effects are the essential differences to take into account when choosing between drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, Stendra or Levitra. Each of these medications acts differently in each organism, and therefore, the use of one or the other can generate results that are not expected. So, you have to think, is it really worth it?


What is the most used medication for erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Contrary to what it should be, Sildenafil, better known by its trade name, “Viagra”, is the most recommended medication by male impotence specialists, and we say that contrary to what it should be, since this medication is also one one of the riskiest and that offers the most negative side effects in patients who consume it, but with the arrival of  VERPA, that will change very soon…

The great challenge to find the perfect medicine is to be able to eliminate the 4 differentiating factors on which the decision of use by patients depends today, we are talking about price, effectiveness, durability and negative side effects. Interestingly, none of the products that we find on the market is exempt from at least one of these factors. If it is cheap, and effective, it does not last long enough and leaves you with a headache and predisposition to a heart attack, if it is effective, it is not durable, if it is durable, it leaves you with nasal congestion, migraine, blurred vision or muscle spasms, and in the end, they all have some side effect that harms your health and, in the end, the psychological damage will also come.


What alternatives exist?

Asking for an alternative that solves the problem of erectile dysfunction, and that does it quickly, effectively and not least, without leaving negative side effects, is wanting to go beyond the limits. Until today, specialists would say that it is impossible, that if you want speed and effectiveness, you must give up paying low prices and also endure some changes in your physical health. That’s because they still don’t know about VERPA, a novel, self-administered and very safe pharmaceutical product designed to combat male impotence.

It is a very effective prescription medication, which can be applied in the comfort and privacy of your own home, easily injectable through the Tri-Mix Pen device, much like those used for insulin in diabetics.

This is an FDA-approved drug, free of side effects, typical of other known erectile dysfunction drugs on the market. It consists of three active ingredients to relax, expand and fill the erectile tissue with blood, resulting in an almost immediate erection (within 5 minutes after administration).

Unlike our competitor’s products, which are very expensive, ours is affordable, safer, more reliable and highly effective. It builds confidence, increases male rejuvenation, improves relationships and restores masculinity in men who once felt they had it. lost, due to his impotence problems.

After using VERPA, you will be happily able to truly satisfy your partner, without reservation and for an average of 3 to 5 hours, without having to deal with the flaccidity of your penis and the psychological consequences that this condition brings.

The post How do Erectile Dysfunction pills work and how does VERPA work? appeared first on Verpa Men.

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What pills are available for erectile dysfunction or male impotence? Tue, 31 Aug 2021 17:09:45 +0000 What pills are available for erectile dysfunction or male impotence? In the pharmaceutical market there are several of them, but more important than knowing what they are, is knowing why none of them is really appropriate, due to the risks that the patient may face due to their consumption. That is why the pills available […]

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What pills are available for erectile dysfunction or male impotence?

In the pharmaceutical market there are several of them, but more important than knowing what they are, is knowing why none of them is really appropriate, due to the risks that the patient may face due to their consumption.

That is why the pills available for erectile dysfunction will not be the central axis of this blog, on the contrary, we will focus on why we should not consume them…

To begin with, we must talk about the pills available, the best known on the market, the most recommended and the most consumed since they were presented by the pharmaceutical industry a few decades ago. In addition to Sildenafil (Viagra), there is Avanafil, better known as (Stendra), which together with Tadalafil (Cialis) and Vardenafil (Levitra), form the group of the “Fantastic 4”, supposedly due to its effectiveness and efficiency, but the truth is that they are not comprehensive drugs, capable of fulfilling the objective, without negatively altering the physical health of the consumer, on the contrary, they are drugs that have had strong resistance in various sectors of medicine, since their side effects are innumerable and dangerous, ranging from headaches, facial flushing, stomach pain, and blurred vision, to nasal congestion, muscle spasms, dizziness, nausea, skin rashes, and cardiac arrest.

If we talk about medicines, the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that they must be designed to relieve an ailment or to cure a disease, to complement a deficiency or to eradicate an excess of some factor that damages our health, and not for the opposite, that is, not to make us sicker. This is something impossible to think of for the group of 4, since if we put together the adverse effects of each of these 4 products, we find ourselves with a long list of situations that no one would want to face.

The problem of male impotence is so serious that if it is not treated in time, it can cause psychological damage to the patient, couple breakups, and another series of elements that would further complicate the life of those who suffer from this disability.

If we refer to the most recommended medication and, at the same time, the most used by ED patients, we can see that Viagra alone registers more than 30 negative side effects, some milder than others, but ultimately, all dangerous and very significant. .

  • Headache
  • Facial redness (blushing)
  • Stomach aches and pains
  • Blurry vision
  • Vision with a higher color intensity
  • Nasal congestion
  • Pain in the back area
  • Muscle pain and/or discomfort
  • dizziness and nausea
  • Appearance of rash on the skin
  • facial redness
  • Indigestion
  • altered vision
  • Nasal congestion
  • feeling dizzy
  • vomiting
  • Skin rash
  • Vision disturbances: pain, double vision, eye spill, eye irritation
  • Irregular or faster than normal heartbeat
  • Muscle pains
  • Drowsiness and/or feeling tired
  • Vertigo
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dry mouth
  • Chest pain
  • high or low blood pressure
  • Fainting
  • stroke
  • nose bleed
  • Sudden decrease in hearing

So is all Lost?

The answer is no! We can still think of an effective solution for male impotence problems, without risk and without having to give up good health. A new drug, approved by the FDA, and tested with 98% effectiveness in men between 40 and 70 years old, is taking over the market, efficiently solving all the basic problems caused by erectile dysfunction, giving back to the consumer self-confidence, protecting couple relationships and above all, safeguarding your physical and emotional health, that product is called VERPA!

We can say that after many clinical trials, VERPA is postulated as the best, most innovative and revolutionary product designed for erectile dysfunction. Its ability to cause no harmful side effects after administration places it at the top of the impotence drug pyramid. It’s easy, discrete and fast way of administration, painless, and extremely fast in effect, promises to forcefully displace the drugs known until now…


What pills are available for erectile dysfunction or male impotence?

A good erection is important, but not when it ends with your health, that’s why the only option is a product like VERPA, more efficient and effective than pills, faster and longer lasting and above all…

The post What pills are available for erectile dysfunction or male impotence? appeared first on Verpa Men.

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